Should You Borrow from the Cash Value in Your Life Insurance Policy to Pay Off Debt?
Our strong economy reflects high consumer confidence, record low unemployment, and rising consumer debt. In March 2019, according to The ...
What is the Difference Between Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 Bankruptcy?
The phone rings. It’s a number you do not recognize. It’s probably another debt collection agency calling to demand payment. ...
Why Paying Off Debt with a Home Equity Loan is a Risky Strategy
Almost everyone has debt. You use credit to purchase a home, buy a car, pay for college, and make everyday ...
Which Debt Relief Option is the Right One for Me?
The stress from carrying large amounts of high-interest credit card debt can make it feel as though an elephant is ...
How Does a Debt Consolidation Program Work?
Another month begins, and your debt balances are going nowhere. Making minimum payments has not made a noticeable impact. You ...