Posted in: Credit Cards

Debt Consolidation Strategies: Balance Transfer Credit Cards vs.Personal Loans

Posted Under: Blog, Credit Cards, Debt Consolidation

High credit card balances carried over month after month is a weary process because the minimum payment barely moves the ...

Why Making Minimum Payments to Pay Off Credit Card Debt Ensures You Will Die Broke

Posted Under: Blog, Credit Cards, Debt Relief

Another credit card bill arrives, and you moan when you see the balance. Then you look at the minimum payment ...

Understand Why Minimum Payments Trap You in a Cycle of Perpetual Debt

Posted Under: Blog, Credit Cards, Debt Relief

As you scan your mail, it’s easy to quickly pick up or click on the important items in which to ...

Why Credit Card Balances Grow So Fast: The Power of Compound Interest

Posted Under: Blog, Credit Cards, Debt Relief

Borrowing money includes certain costs, which often include upfront fees, interest charges on the principal balance and a late charge ...